Brick Staining – The Way To Blend
Thank you for the great job on the brick repair and brick staining! The repairs blend in well with the 35 year old bricks and I don’t believe anyone could have done it better. Also being a photographer and artist I am usually the first to say “ that’s not good enough”. Your work is good enough for any perfectionist. Thanks!"
I had not done a brick staining project for a week or so and was busy working on a photo project for a website I was designing. Anyway, I’m working on these terrific images that our photographer shot, working on sizing and such when the phone rang. It was a prospect who was interested in my masonry brick staining repair service. Ken, the prospect, explained that he had gaping holes in his bricks that needed repair. The holes were left after he removed some old receptacle boxes from the brick masonry on his enclosed porch. He viewed my websites and noticed that I can do this type of work. He wanted to know if I would stop by and give him a price. I asked him a few questions about quantity and size, brick and mortar colors etc. and determined it was a pretty small project.
“Well Ken that’s a pretty small project...” I began.
"Why not text me a photo and I might be able to quote you from the image?" I said.
Now I know what you’re thinking. 'Contractors are supposed to drive to your home'
Sometimes it doesn't make sense to drive anywhere unless I know that the repair requested is something I can do... that makes sense doesn't it? So photos are very helpful.
A well taken and simple photo or two, can provide extremely useful information for someone with experience and knows what they are looking for. Smart phones are great tools for this.
“Ken” I explained after he filled me in on the ‘what’s and if’s’ of his repair “I’ll be happy to do your project for you but you know... you’re a 45-minute drive one way? By the time I drive there and back I’ll have more time in driving then what it will take to do the job and… that’s if you decide to have me perform the work!” This is just another day at the office for me.
“I’ll tell you what I’ll do.” I continued. “How about if you take a couple of good snap shots, you know close up and further back so I fully understand the context of your repair and I’ll price the repair to you over the internet.” I finished.
Well as it turns out Ken was more than happy to do this as he uses the internet daily for his business and understands the need to be time conscious. Well it wasn’t 15 minutes later Ken had several photos of his repair request in my inbox. I called him and chatted and after several minutes of discussion and explanations, I quoted him a price. He thanked me for my time and told me he would think about it and we hung up.
An hour later he called back and said “Ok, come on out and do the repair for me would you?”
And so I did. The pictures here show the simple repair I did on his rear screened in porch.
Here's what Ken, the owner had to say:
"Thank you for the great job on the brick repair! Feel free to give people my name or forward this email. The repairs blend in well with the 35 year old bricks and I don’t believe anyone could have done it better. Also being a photographer and artist I am usually the first to say “ that’s not good enough”. Your work is good enough for any perfectionist. Thanks!"
Sometimes there are severe weathering stains on older masonry. By applying a opaque color matched stain to the existing masonry we are able to improve the final appearance dramatically.