Foundation Crack Repair With Steel Dowels
Concrete foundation cracks are common occurrence yet not all concrete foundation cracks will need steel dowels installed to stabilize the cracks. However if your concrete foundation crack is located on a corner then a steel dowel installation is usually recommended.
A foundation crack repair can be undertaken in a concrete foundation by the placement of a steel dowel across or perpendicular to the foundation crack.
A dowel is a piece of steel that is inserted into a hole drilled into a concrete foundation in order to bridge a crack in the concrete foundation wall. The purpose is to re-connect the foundation on either side of the crack and to help hold the foundation together in this vulnerable and prone area.
Below are photos of a foundation dowel job we performed for one of our clients.
Finished stucco applied to foundation to hide cracks, slots and holes. Another seamless repair by Olde World Masons!