Olde World 

Masons, Inc

Small masonry repairs for
your home or business

Stone wall tuck pointing

Stone retaining wall repair, restoration or replacement presents a challenge for any mason. A thorough inspection should be performed  before a repair can be recommended.

As the owner of your property you must have firmly in your mind the purpose for consulting a stonemason and what your expectations are of any repairs that should be undertaken.

This helps you because if a contractor feels you are not sure then they will charge more... to protect themselves.  It's a simple as that.

You should decide on the primary reason why, you wish to have a stone repair done. You should also know what you goals are for that repair and what your final expectations are after the repair is completed. For an example; "I'm having this repair done for the purpose of a structural issue, I don't like the way it looks right now or cosmetic, I've got water coming through the wall, is a water problem, or other." 

This article will give some incite as to application and pricing so you can determine if a structural stone retaining wall repair is right for your situation.

Lateral movement or leaning of a stone retaining wall can usually be addressed by a series of counter forts place behind the wall. This retaining wall repair will ‘hold back’ the wall from pitching forward any additional amount and will stabilize it. Buttressing can be used as well. Buttresses are placed on the front portion of the wall spaced as needed and actually ‘retain’ the wall from additional movement.

There are others applications as well and each can be used as the situation dictates. Which application to use can only be determined by an inspection of the wall. If preliminary rough pricing is wanted by the owner then pictures may well suffice to provide a ball park estimate.

Sinking of a wall may require piering. This application places supports columns beneath the wall, below grade and under the existing retaining wall footings to hold it in place. Other failures should be addressed on a case by case basis. If you wall is failing due to lateral loads placed upon the wall then a structural retaining wall repair is likely necessary.

About the Author Michael Olding

For a quick web quote, text photos and description to:

Michael at 513-403-3344

For serious inquires send an email with photos and description to:


I will respond to text and emails much quicker but you may call if you wish.